Calculator for estimating the accumulated amount of the Provident Fund
Please enter the following information (All fields must be filled in):
Basic Information
Your current age   years old
Your expected retirement age
(The upper age limit of exercise in public office is 65 years old)
  years old
Your life expectancy
(Average life expectancy of the local population between 2020 and 2023: 80.3 of age for men and 86 of age for women)
  years old
Your expected monthly expense during retirement (Present value)
(Including the four basic necessities of life and medical expenses, etc.)

Information about Provident Fund Contributions
The current total market value of "Investments Summary" of your Provident Fund Accounts
(You may refer to the Pension Fund’s website > "My Online Account" > My Statements > Investment status)
The total number of points from your current basic salary index and from the contribution time premiums
(Each contribution time premium is of 10 points and each salary index is equal to MOP94)
Your expected average annual salary increase
(The average annual increase of a salary index and the average increase in rank/grade should be estimated as a whole)
Your personal contributions rate   %
Your Macao SAR contributions rate   %

Expected Investment Return
Your expected annual investment return from the Provident Fund
(Please refer to the annualized returns of Plans for Application of Contributions or Bank Deposit Portfolio in the Information Platform of the Plans for Application of Contributions.)
Expected annual inflation rate
(The local average annual inflation rate during the years 2003 to 2023 was approximately 3.18%)


The estimated accumulated amount of the Provident Fund may vary according to changes in investment return and in inflation rate. Therefore, we suggest that you regularly use this calculator to review the estimated accumulated amount of your Provident Fund and the amount you will need when you retire.
Your personal situations, investment years and risk tolerance level should be taken into consideration before making investment decision. You may understand your own risk tolerance level through Risk Profiling in our website. By browsing the Provident Fund Investment Classroom or the Investment Basics Booklet, you may gain more knowledge on retirement investment.